July 27, 2024

The Scoop India

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How dangerous is this 12 second video poison ?

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Social media has made people’s lives a lot easier, but has also made it equally difficult. There is no doubt that social media has worked to connect people, but it has also worked to break them. After using social media for years, I can confidently say that a revolutionary digital platform is now paralyzing people mentally. That is, how does it force us to compare ourselves with others? Perhaps people are not able to realize this in the glare of social media, but research shows that we do not even realize it and we become victims of stress, anxiety and depression.

The job of the brain is to think and then convert it into video, which means our brain cannot save any event in MP3. The job of the brain is to convert the MP3 of the event into MP4 and save it. But today on social media, the brain is getting everything in video i.e. MP3 format, so why should it work so hard?

That is, in this busy life, now people have started liking short videos, because whether they are short of time or they get bored of watching long videos, then they watch short videos. For this, there are many platforms including Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. When they start watching a video, the videos start appearing one after the other, the users keep watching and they don’t even realize that one or two hours have been spent in it, whereas they had started watching the short video because they wanted to watch the long video. He didn’t have time.

Now notice what happens in this? Doctors from National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience and Institute of Neuroscience are doing research on this, they have given some interesting examples. They say that people are just a ‘user’ and keep in mind that the word ‘user’ is used only in two professions. One is in internet and the other in drugs, the examples he gave are shocking because the users may be around you or even in your home.

Puneet is the only child of the family; Puneet had got 95 percent marks in class 10th. There was a happy atmosphere at home so the family gifted a phone to Puneet. Puneet also immediately created his accounts, from FB to Instagram and got addicted to watching short videos. Watching short videos badly affected the cognitive functions of Puneet’s brain. Now Puneet cannot remember anything for a long time. The concern of Puneet’s parents increased further when he did not even get 50 percent marks in his 12th board exam, even though he was the topper of the class.

Puneet is not the only child who is a victim of this kind of problem, something similar happened with 14-year-old Manish Kumar. His parents noticed that their child was becoming increasingly weak in studies. When he talked to Manish, he came to know that he was unable to concentrate in class, during counselling it was revealed that the reason behind this was short videos, his attention span was less than 5 minutes, continuous counseling sessions were done to improve it. More activities are being conducted so that they can come out of the ill effects of short videos.

In fact, doctors of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience are saying that the part of the brain which is responsible for decision making and impulse control is not fully developed at this age. Therefore, children are not able to control the watching period of these videos, nor are they able to decide what to watch.

Apart from this, many studies have revealed that the average attention span of humans has dropped rapidly, it was about 12 seconds in the year 2000, which has reduced to only 8 seconds in recent years. Attention spam means that you are able to do any work without getting distracted? Why is all this happening? Actually, in long videos, the situation is completely opposite to that of short videos. In long videos, there is more emphasis on story and character development, whereas in short videos, things are mainly behavior or action based, i.e. Due to this, the brain gets addicted to instant results which makes children short tempered and short span. That short attention span has a bad effect on the development of our memory, language and brain. Children affected by this are not able to study for a long time, there are strange changes in the language in their speech. Moreover, their brain also does not develop properly because the brain’s hard work almost ends. Whatever they are getting is ready-made product.

To understand this, let’s go back a bit, there was a time when children used to make notes together, check their marks, they used to talk to each other about exam syllabus and subjects, but now the disease of RIL has progressed so much that children Instead of making notes, they are making reels and instead of exam marks, they are looking at likes and views.

Even though some people call them hobbyists, but in the eyes of psychiatrists, making reels or posing in different positions comes under the category of self-obsessive disorder, which is also called “selfitis” in mental science, in another form it is also called mental illness. It is a condition in which a person becomes so lost in himself that he does not care about his family. He first makes his own reel, then searches for dialogues or songs for the second reel, watches thousands of videos of other users, then when he likes one of them, he makes his own reel and then sees the like views on the first one.

If the likes and views are less than his expectations, he sometimes chooses stunts to earn money. Such incidents happen every day on the Signature Bridge of Delhi. There, while riding a bike, the youth not only become victims of accidents but also injure others. Looking at such cases, Dr. Rekha Ahuja, doctor of Holistic Wellness Center, says that by watching short videos for a long time, we see repeated content, in this the content is created according to the trend, all are similar, for example, a song is a trend. If someone is doing it, then many people have made videos on that song with the same dance steps. Whenever a new dialogue comes, the faces just change on that too. The content remains the same, but people keep watching, which hampers the creativity of the mind. Kind of affects.

The incident took place in Pali, Rajasthan, where a young Yogesh was also very fond of making reels. He used to upload one or two reels on Instagram every day and was happy when he got views and comments. He was so engrossed in making reels that not just studies, he would even forget to eat and drink on time. One day his father snatched away his phone and Yogesh committed suicide in anger.

Recently, in the Terai area of Farrukhabad, a 24-year-old girl attacked her two younger brothers after they stopped her from making a reel on Insta and also tried to strangulate one of them. Not only this, a few days ago the Delhi Women’s Commission issued a notice to the police demanding an FIR against a woman who made reels. This woman is accused of making obscene and provocative expressions with her 10–12-year-old son and used to make dancing videos.

This means that now people are crossing all limits of shamelessness to gain popularity. For the sole purpose of gaining views on the video, obscene and extremely low quality content is being served through short videos. Many people even expose their small children on reels to increase the views. We have seen so many videos on reels. It has been seen many times that mothers get their minor sons and daughters to make videos. Many people have made it a medium to earn money, now think about how the minor girl who is dancing for the reels will be able to understand where her life is going and where exactly she should go. They will have to think whether the great people whose names we take in the world today in the field of education, society, science, did they become great by making reels? Think, is this 12 second poison not leading you towards comparison, anger or depression?

Rajeev Choudhary Author blogger

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