July 27, 2024

The Scoop India

News You Need To Know

App Tickcock’s app ratings fell after Indians called for a ban; Outrage on videos

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For the past few days, people were angry about the content on Tiktok. Now it is being told that In less than a week, the app has been downrated from 4.6 to 2, with several Indian users calling for a ban and trending #TikTokBan and #TikTokExposed on social media. TikTok Lite has been hit even more, with its Play Store ratings dropping to 1.1. The ByteDance-owned platform is also under fire for its weak content moderation policies, which allows sharing of harmful and abusive videos.

Many TikTok influencers have invited the wrath of social media users for promoting acid attacks on women, rape, misogyny, and other problematic content. Some of these videos go on to record more than a million views, thus amplifying the root problem. National Commission of Women Chairman Rekha Sharma has called the Indian government for a complete ban on TikTok for promoting objectionable content and leaving a negative impact on the youth. “I am of the strong opinion that this @TikTok_IN should be banned altogether and will be writing to GOI. It not only has these objectionable videos but [is] also pushing youngsters towards [an] unproductive life where they are living only for few followers , “she wrote in a tweet this morning. A TikTok India spokesperson told YourStory, “Keeping people on TikTok safe is a top priority and we make it clear in our term of service and community guidelines that clearly outlines what is not acceptable on our platform. As per the policy, we do not allow content that risks safety of others, promotes physical harm or glorifies violence against women. The behavior in question violates our guidelines and we have taken down content, suspended the account, and are working with law enforcement agencies as appropriate. “

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