July 27, 2024

The Scoop India

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Father’s lesson to children converting in Tamil Nadu

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Velayudham, about 85 years old, lives in Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. Velayadham has three children, two girls and a boy. Some time ago, all three had adopted Christianity under the guise of missionaries. This thing made Father Velayudham sad and distressed. He explained to the children that if they did not agree, Velayaudham donated a house of about two crores built in 2,680 square feet to a Hindu temple.

This incident is a lesson, this incident is a warning, or rather this incident is not only a wonderful example for Hindu society. But there is a lesson more than that. This incident is a slap on the face of the missionaries and their net, and this is the slap, 85-year-old Velayudham, who was a health inspector in the Tamil Nadu government. Why did Velayudham do this? Why did his soul get so upset, where a father spends a lifetime giving a big house and a better life for his children by adding every single pie throughout his life, there Velayudham showed his children the way out of his house.

Let’s go back a bit to understand this! In March 2021, an 18-year-old boy Suraj committed suicide in Jharkhand. The reason behind the suicide was only that the missionaries had converted Suraj’s family to Christianity. After which the missionaries and his family were pressurizing Suraj to convert to Christianity. When Suraj could not bear this pressure, he ended his life. On another such incident, in the year 2017 Karnataka, a father had accepted Christianity in greed. Understand the missionaries’ game in this news. Because the father who converted to Christianity was none other than a hereditary priest of the village temple. The trap of the missionaries was that if only the priest of the village started worshiping Jesus, then the rest of the villagers would be converted to Christianity immediately. Well the priest was also made a Christian. After this he started trying to get his son to Christianity every day. Not only trying but for converting to Christianity, he started beating him mercilessly. But the son was not scared like the sun of Jharkhand and by keeping the father aside, the son not only took charge of the temple but also saved his villagers from this trap of missionaries.

During this time an incident happened in Goa. There was a Hindu woman here. Was poor, used to be a maid in the houses or used to work as a maid. Most of his relatives had converted to Christianity out of greed and ignorance. This Hindu woman had an uncle, who was earlier a Hindu and a worshiper of the local mythological goddess Yelama Devi. This uncle had also accepted Christianity. After converting to Christianity, he also began torturing his niece, who worked as a maid, to become a Christian. That she is worshiping Satan and will go to hell if she does not embrace the true God i.e. Jesus Christ. But the woman did not give up, endured all the pressure and torture but remained in Sanatan Dharma. The maps of heaven and hell of Christian missionaries were also torn and thrown away.

Apart from this, a similar case had come to notice from Uttar Pradesh a short time back. Here the missionaries did not give any greed, neither did the healing meeting nor there was ignorance here. Here it was a straight kidnapping. The kidnapping was of a young 22-year-old girl. In whose ransom his mother was asked for his Sanatan Dharma. That is, a Scheduled Caste Hindu mother complained that her 22-year-old daughter was kidnapped by a missionary gang operating in their village and then threatened to kill the girl if the entire family did not convert. Will put The woman stood firm and sent the people of the missionaries who tried to kidnap the religion.

All these news may have disturbed Velayudham! Maybe, in front of his eyes, three of his children accepted Christianity, making him angry. Because Velayudham did not want his body to be buried after death, he did not want any non-Hindu to perform his last rites, even if he had children. Because Velayudham lived the life of an eternal righteous, his last wish is that his last rites should also be performed according to the customs of the Sanatan Vedic religion.

This is the reason why Velayudham was so infuriated by this act of his children that he donated his property to the temple. In his interview to a local newspaper, Velayadham said that as a follower of Hinduism, I wanted my children to perform my last rites. Both my daughters married Christian men. My son works in a private firm and is also married to a Christian woman. All three have adopted Christianity. So they will not perform my last rites as per Hindu traditions. “I have a house in a property of 2,680 sq ft, which is currently worth around Rs 2 crore. I do not want to give homes to those who have changed their religion. So I have donated it to Kumarakkottam Murugan Temple, the deity of my family. The moment we die, the temple will be in possession of that house.

Velayadham has handed over his property papers to the HRCE department of the Government of Tamil Nadu, which is the government department responsible for the maintenance of temples. But here also it will be called the misfortune of Hindus that the HRCE department of Tamil Nadu government has almost gone under the control of Christian missionaries. Christian missionaries are auctioning the land and property of Hindu temples through this department. But still people like Velayadham are definitely a unique example in Sanatan Dharma, because they have given more importance to their religion and culture than their love of children. But the question that is emerging today is that this is the missionary’s crusade against the Hindus, which is as deadly as the Muslim Jihad, but it does not have that much noise. The crusades of the missionaries are not becoming a part of our discussion, while they are harming and causing harm to the eternal beliefs at par with the Islamic invaders.

by- Rajeev Choudhary- writer blogger

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