July 27, 2024

The Scoop India

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Farmer’s Protest: Now the questions that should arise on media and journalism as well?

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In his address to the nation on the occasion of Guru Parv, Prime Minister withdrew three agricultural laws, apologizing to the nation. After this, before this, all the social media groups of BJP who were supporting the bill presented many things. Someone was writing, the lion takes four steps back for hunting. One wrote, “Agriculture law was Nehruji’s thinking, Modiji withdrew it as soon as he came to know about it.” So one wrote, Modiji wanted to see who is a patriot and who is a traitor, he has recognized the traitors through the agriculture law.

That is, these were not agricultural laws. It was a test of national patriotism and treason. In which after taking the exam, on November 19, there was no apology but a government merit list. Second, Modi ji came to know after a year that the agricultural law was Nehru’s thinking. So take it back for this reason! Had Pandit Deendayal ji’s thinking been there, it would not have been taken back. Maybe that’s what’s being explained!

The withdrawal of the law has been announced. But the media is a section still not silent. They believe that whatever the government does, it does right. Those who advise the government on any matter or talk about democracy should be called in the news studio and reprimanded. Just like Times Now journalist Sushant Singh asked Meghalaya Governor Satya Pal Malik-ul-Julul. Later, to humiliate them, with a pen in hand, did a complete program on the white board. Just because he had given a statement to resolve the dispute between the government and the farmers.

But this is not my question. My questions are from the beginning to the end of the movement and these are hidden government journalists and channels. Because of the unique journalism model presented during this period, perhaps seeing it, journalism will bear the burden of embarrassment for many years to come.

It has been said earlier that this is not a peasant movement, it is a Khalistani movement. From Zee News to Republic, many channels open a box of knowledge on this matter everyday and call the farmers involved in the movement Khalistani, saying that the real farmers are in the fields, they are eating pizza, wearing jeans pants and speaking English. This is not a farmer, it is a Khalistani group.

Another few days later it was said that there is a conspiracy of Pakistan and China in the peasant movement. Ice. There is a conspiracy of I.I. and big programs were seen serving news without taking any responsibility. Then it was said, this peasant movement is only of certain region and caste. This does not include the farmers of the whole country.

Then some minister of the government gave the title of wolves to the farmer’s agitators, Mawali, goons and the daughter of a BJP leader from Baghpat. Meanwhile, the journalist of Zee News did DNA and told the country that this is not a farmers’ movement, but an anti-national movement and a conspiracy to remove Modi.

That’s why some questions have now arisen. Firstly, if it is assumed that it was a movement of some farmers instead of a nationwide movement, then why was it withdrawn? It was told that this is a masterstroke keeping in mind the elections of states like Uttar Pradesh-Punjab, never let the party suffer in the elections. If so, then who will answer whether the farmer’s interest is more dear or the seat of power? After all, why did you return the bill just like a light and with the Ganges water, just because the party needs power, kneeling before a few farmers?

If the bill was as light and pure as the Ganges water and was in the interest of the farmers. So why was the profit and loss of the coming election seen in the interest of the country’s farmers, putting power at stake? Would have said that for me, the interest of the country, the farmer’s interest, is paramount and not the power.

Second, it was said on behalf of some journalist brothers of the media that there is complicity of Khalistan group China, Pakistan in the movement and they would also show some evidence. Let’s accept it for once, now the question is, if these were the exact angles of the conspiracy, then why these evidences were not handed over to the government by these alleged journalists? If not, then why did the government not warn or ban this false rumor full journalism?

Third, if these were the angles, then where was the government investigative agency? Why was this anti-national angle not investigated thoroughly? After all, why cases were not registered against the guilty leaders involved in this and they were not arrested?

The fourth question was told by Zee News that this is not a movement but an anti-national conspiracy to remove Modi ji! Let’s accept for a moment, there can be a movement to remove Modi ji, but where did the anti-nationalism come from in this?

If asking questions to a democratically elected government to protest against its policy is a sin and anti-national, then before that all the governments of this country which had agitated against such questions were all anti-national movements?

Ram Manohar Lohia, an architect of non-Congressism in Indian politics, used to oppose Nehru’s policy. Due to which the Congress had to face defeat in many states in the year 1967, will Lohia ji be called anti-national or was it said?

On 5 June 1974, Jai Prakash Narayan gave the slogan of total revolution against Indira Gandhi. united the opposition. Decided to raise voice against power. There was a movement, many students were also killed by police bullets. It used to openly challenge Indira’s power. So was JP’s movement an anti-national conspiracy? And JP a traitor? Was JP called a terrorist, Khalistani, Pakistani goons Mawali wolves at that time? I am asking if I was born later?

After this, VP Singh, who kicked off the post of minister in the Rajiv Gandhi government on the issue of Bofors cannon brokerage, appeared on the table of Indian politics with a new messiah. The recommendations of the Mandal Commission were implemented in the country. Against which the upper caste community agitated across the country. There was a big movement in which many were known, was it also anti-national activity?

Against the Manmohan Singh government, the BJP launched a movement of inflation across the country. Demonstrated everywhere. Apart from this, who would have forgotten Anna’s Lokpal movement at Ramlila Maidan in Delhi. Was it an anti-national conspiracy during that time to remove Congress and the slogans against the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh? Was Anna ji a traitor, was it a sin to agitate him?

If after independence all the small and big movements in opposition to the laws, decisions, policies of different governments in the country were not anti-national movements, then how the present farmer movement is anti-national? And if it is treason to oppose the elected representatives of the people in a democratic set-up, then the question arises that in September 2013, by making a fake Red Fort, giving a message to the nation and questioning the then government, what was the present Prime Minister doing, anti-national or patriotism. ? Think this question from the depth of your soul, ask yourself and all those so called journalists who are justifying the statement of independence that the country got in 2014?

BY Rajeev Choudhary Author  Blogger Youtubers

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