July 27, 2024

The Scoop India

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Convent schools or sexual abuse sites?

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The 1980s was a child sex crime in America. The victim had five sisters ranging from an 18-month-old girl to 13 years old. The accused was none other than a convent priest. Recently, in a TV show in America, the victim women had made this horrifying disclosure. These sisters told that the pastor had a lot of prestige then. The girls kept hiding their exploitation for years. One sister said she used to explain herself that she was a pastor and brought the gospel of Jesus.

Often in our country, the status symbol of that family is considered high, whose children study in Christian convent school. People proudly say that our children study in St. Thomas, St. Xavier or any Christu Jyoti. If someone said that my children study in a government school, then understand that the graph of his status symbol has become zero, that is, here it has become a measure of status, these convent schools of Christian education.

Perhaps many people would not know the origin of these convent schools and secondly, what is happening in these convent schools today might not even know. In fact, the Europe which we consider to be modern and open-minded, 500 years ago from today, ordinary people could not even marry there. Because his philosophers believed that if the common people marry, they will have a family, if they have a family, they will have a society, if there is a society, then the society will become powerful, if the society becomes powerful then it will become a threat to the royal family. Therefore, the general public should not be allowed to marry. According to Plato, the ultimate aim of the life of every human being is the attainment of physical pleasure. Children, if there is a blockage in it, then do not stop keeping it. So the children who were born without marriage, they do not know who their parents are. So they were kept in an institution, which they called a convent. Children considered the head of that institution to be the parents, so they were called Father, Mother, Sister. A real meaning of a convent is a school for abandoned children.

The first convent school in England was opened in a church around 1609, whose historical facts are also present. The first convent school in India was opened in the year 1842. But then we were slaves and today millions of convent schools are running. That is, when the British came to India, they brought the convent institution with them to study their illegitimate children, then convent schools started opening in the street. The British left but left the convent.

A large number of Hindu children are discriminated against in these convent schools in India, cannot wear tilak, cannot wear janeu, cannot tie rakhi or kalava on festivals, girls cannot wear bangles or wear mehndi after a festival. After this, the biggest question is also that when the Gita cannot be taught inside the school in India, then on what basis is the Bible recited in the convent?

If this happens in India, then listen to what happens outside India too. Maybe you’ll get goosebumps! Because under the guise of the convent school, the dissolute priests of the church, that is, hearing what their fathers are doing, may not take the name of the convent. At one time Ireland was a heaven for religious Christians, and the Catholic Church music that heaven. But when this music began to turn into the cries and sobs of innocent children in the last three decades, the families of the victims, nuns and children took to the streets and pleaded for justice to save us from the hunter-gatherers! Panicked, the Irish government set up a Ryan Commission to investigate. The Ryan Commission published its 2,600-page report in 2009, according to which Catholic priests had violently sexually and physically abused thousands of children for decades, despite government oversight and supervision.

The report found that children are treated as slaves in orphanages and convent schools. In some cases, many children were made sex slaves. Magdalene Laundries, an institution where girls and women were forcibly kept as concubines. Giving details of the exact condition of these institutions, a government report in the year 2017 said that from 1925 to 1961, around 800 children died in many institutions like Mother and Baby Home. Which were largely buried in graves or pits. Not only the clergy were involved in this scandal, but the participation of many nuns was also found.

In August 2018, Pope Francis made a series of religious tours in Ireland as the Catholic sex-abuse scandal hit the streets of Ireland. But fueling this spark, a German bishop made another disclosure that from 1946 to 2014, 1,670 priests sexually and physically abused 3,677 children. That is, when the second news created panic, citizens of other European countries started aggressively moving forward to close the convent and church.

Meanwhile in the United States, in 2018, a Pennsylvania grand jury alleged that over the course of 70 years, more than 1,000 children were sexually abused by more than 300 clergy in the US. But the Vatican Church officials successfully silenced the victims. But at the same time when another incident was revealed, there was uproar. Which became the news of newspapers around the world, the name of the news was “Vatican Sex Scandal” in which many priests involved in allegations were using Jesus. That is, sexually exploited children were presented with a cross made of gold so that other hunter-gatherers could recognize that this child would not resist their sexual abuse.

Now call it a strange irony or the shamelessness of Pope Francis because at the time when the people of America and Europe were pleading in the Pope’s court to save us from the sexual abuse of our bishops and clergy, your church is immersed in sin from top to bottom. During his visit to Ireland at that time, the Pope said that these were shameful and sad incidents but he did not give any indication of understanding the need to reform the clergy and punish.

On the contrary, a new spectacle was added to distract people’s attention. Church and convent officials in Germany’s churches said that they were holding special prayer meetings for the sexual abuse of innocent children.

There are today more than 200,000 Catholic schools and approximately 40,000 Catholic hospitals and health facilities around the world, mostly in developing countries. Seeing this work of this institution for a moment, if the thought of the greatness of the church comes to mind, then on the other hand the misdeeds of the church start standing in front of them. In the year 2010, according to a news published in the New York Times, in the 90s, a case was raised regarding Pastor Lawrence Murphy. The priest was accused of sexually abusing 230 children in convent schools who could neither hear nor speak. Even after the matter was raised in the newspapers, look at the shamelessness of the Pope that the Pope had not taken any action on this matter.

Incidents of exploitation of children and nuns in convent schools by priests have become common not only in Europe but also in India. Apart from this, Australia is also not untouched by the clutches of these hunter-gatherers. According to the Royal Commission, Australia’s top body to investigate sexual abuse in religious and non-religious places, the stories of victims of sexual abuse are quite depressing. In which children were neglected, they were also punished, the charges were not investigated, as a result the priest escaped more easily. According to this organization, between 1980 and 2015, 4,444 children were sexually abused in 1000 Catholic institutions in Australia. The average age of these children has been ten and a half years for girls, while eleven and a half years for boys. Between 1980 and 2015, about 4,500 people filed complaints of sexual abuse with the Royal Commission, which oversees cases of child sexual abuse.

For this reason, the people of Europe are slowly leaving the church. But the sad thing is that when the people of Europe are leaving the church, at the same time in a country like India, a large number of people are entering the church and considering themselves as the son of Jesus instead of the child of Rama and Krishna.

Whereas even in these convent schools in India, the situation is getting worse than in America and Europe. Recently, 51-year-old Catholic priest Robin Vadakkumchery from Kerala was sentenced to 60 years in jail for raping minor girls and sexually assaulting three separate cases. Among them was an eleven-year-old girl. Apart from this, Father Basil Kuriakos, the principal of King’s David International School in Kochi, was detained by the police for sexually abusing a 10-year-old boy. In 2014, Raju Kokkan, a pastor of St Paul’s Church in Thrissur, Kerala, was also arrested for raping a 9-year-old girl. In the month of 2016-December also, 41-year-old priest Edwin Figares was sentenced to two life imprisonment by the court for raping a minor girl in Ernakulam, Kerala. Not only this, if you go to Google and see, there is a lot of news of sexual abuse happening in the convent in every state. However, there is not much discussion about this and most of the cases never reach the police and the court. Most of the cases of sexual abuse are suppressed in the missionaries operating in remote areas. Because the victims are often from the poor section and their mouths are shut by paying money. Going a step further, in tribal areas, these dirty things are done in the name of “pleasing” Jesus. According to an estimate, only one percent of cases of sexual crimes in these areas are reported to the police. It is being told that even many priests caught in the case of sexual abuse and other crimes in other countries are also absconding from there and coming to India. But the media showing any act of Hindu Baba for months is not ready to run any news on the misdeeds of these hunter-gatherers.

By- Rajeev Choudhary

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