September 8, 2024

The Scoop India

News You Need To Know

Few PREVENTION tips from a COVID affected Family

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Dr Ruchi Kapoor

MD Pathology

1.CORONA is RNA virus

 2.Gains entry into the body through nose and mouth -it should be well covered by MASK ? (what we commonly notice that most times the Mask is actually under the nose and the nostrils which are the primary site of entry are left uncovered)

3.Social distancing -6feet

4.Hand washing

5.It  loves cold environment – No cold drinks and ice in the fridge .

Room temp ( AC ) should not be very low

6.It is scared of heat -virus can be deactivated in throat by a)warm saline + turmeric gargles or betadine gargles and

b)sipping of warm water throughout the day -virus slips into the stomach and is deactivated by the acid

7.steam inhalation – deactivates virus in nose done by an steamer kept in the washroom so that it is accessible and can be done frequently.

8.vit C – Limcee

9. Zn – Zincovit / Zinconia

10. Protein  rich diet – Daal , paneer , sprouts , channa chaat , egg white ( rich in protein n Zn ) fresh curd at room temp

11.lemon squeezed in warm water

12. Kaara containing ginger laung elaichi kali mirch soof cinnamon tulsi tea

14.fruits – apples orange papaya mausami ( citrus fruit )

15. Avoid – carbonated drink / sweet juices / junk food / fried food / instant food eg noodles , powdered soup

16. Deep breathing exercise & sleeping in prone position ( lie on stomach ) increases

oxygenation and lung capacity

17. Keep outdoor shoes separate and do not bring them inside . Wear slippers inside ur house and do not remain barefoot

If the virus is not controlled -it can slip into the lungs and cause complications

Incubation period -gap b/ w time of infection by the virus and the time of appearance of symptoms -2 to 5 days ..can be longer

Symptoms -high-grade fever (> 100 F) , myalgia , feeling of not feeling well ( malaise), sore throat , +-loss of smell  ( anosmia ) +-loss of taste +-chills, dry cough but it can be productive cough also, +- diarrhoea , nausea

we as a family had low grade fever , anosmia and sore throat

early diagnosis leads to early treatment which results in potential avoidance of complications and a very good recovery rate

if any family member is positive isolate immediately – separate room & washroom ,separate laundry and self cleaning of room and  utensils , be in daily touch with your doctor apprising of your clinical condition.

In case of mild symptoms home isolation for 14 days with the regular monitoring of temperature -thermometer

SP02 -pulse oximeter

Along with treatment as directed by clinician

Patients with symptoms having comorbidities like diabetes hypertension ,heart disease chronic kidney disease ,chronic liver disease ,chronic lung disease , immunocompromised or elderly patient should get the test done so that in case of emergency admission in hospital is not delayed

# Stay Safe # input whatsapp

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