July 27, 2024

The Scoop India

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Sakshi Malik vs Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh…now here leaders are worshiped not women!

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BY-Rajeev Choudhary

It was the time when ‘Sengol’, popularly revered as the pillar of justice, was being installed on the premises of the new Parliament building of the country and every media channel was stating it a symbol of justice, and good governance. On the same day, at a small distance away from that same spot, Indian wrestling champions, Sakshi and Vinesh, who were waiting for justice, were being dragged on the streets of New Delhi. They were crying. But ironically, their accused was laughing standing in the same Parliament building.

Meanwhile, many saints and sages of the country were taking out rallies against women wrestlers. They were in favor of their accused. Hindus were calling him Hridaya Samrat. These were those sages and saints who often pick up a religious book as soon as there is mention of women’s respect and say, see here in our scriptures, it is written that “Yatra Naryastu Pujyante Ramante Tatra Devtaah” i.e. where women are respected, gods reside there. Sadly, the gang of Braj Bhushan along with Atthahas and Sadhus were saying that the old statement is no longer valid in the Indian context. But in India its ‘Yatra Rajneta Pujyante Ramante Tatra Satta’ is going on.

Now, exactly after seven months, Sakshi Malik, while quiting hopes for justice, has also retired from wrestling teary eyed. She took this decision after Sanjay Singh, an aide of former WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, was elected as the president of WFI. Sakshi said in a press conference that we had demanded a woman president. If a woman is the president of WFI then there will be no harassment. Sakshi Malik said that we fought, but did not succeed. If the President of WFI becomes the business partner of Brij Bhushan Singh, then I will leave my wrestling from now on. At that time, there were tears in her eyes. His tongue was wavering in grief and feeling of injustice. There was disappointment on her face. It seemed that she had lost the courage to express them.

Of course, the ruling class and their followers may not be bothered by Sakshi’s tears. For them, it would have been a matter of pride for someone close to Braj Bhushan to win the election with money and power. They would be seeing the victory of money over justice, in this defeat of Sakshi and Vinesh. It raised many questions and those questions are screaming on the history and once again the curtain was lifted due to a hoax.

It is said that when God made a woman- a mother, a caretaker, and a well-wisher, she found it too difficult to handle his creation on earth alone and entrusted her with the responsibility of managing the creation. Women were given the status of goddess but sadly the same women were tortured in every era! Sometimes Sita was defamed, sometimes Draupati was disrobed and sometimes Ahalya was cursed and turned into a stone. Later its boundaries were limited to four walls of house only. But she rose again, fought, and established her supremacy from earth to sky.

Imagine how Sakshi would have achieved her dominance at the world level by going to the Akharas and bearing the taunts of society. But media, politics, and organizations related to religion pierced his soul. It was surprising when the public, workers, and even party leaders remained silent. It is not about an ordinary worker, the country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi remained silent, although his silence clearly shows that he himself has given many such statements which destroy the dignity of women. How can anyone forget his statement when he called Congress leader Renuka Chaudhary Shurpanakha? In 2012, while addressing an election rally, Narendra Modi had said about Sunanda Tharoor, wife of Congress leader Shashi Tharoor, that what a girlfriend she is. Have you ever seen a girlfriend worth Rs 50 crore?

Apart from politics, if we talk about the thinking of society, then some time ago I saw a short story film “Start with the Boys”. This movie taught me that boys do not cry. Since childhood, family, friends, and relatives all together teach boys only one thing boys do not cry. As if crying is meant merely for girls and to make others cry is for a boy’s job!

Herein, the question is not about who was affected by Sakshi’s tears, but the question is what percentage of people really sympathize with the women who are victims of sexual exploitation, and what percentage understand whether it happens or not? Can every man be a rapist? I don’t know this, but many men in their lives definitely think at least once about some weak person that if they can, they will sexually exploit them.

Now people will say that you are crazy. All five fingers are not equal. I also agree with that. But both hands are definitely equal, with the help of which someone can be held in contempt.

There is a saying that there is no harm to truth. But now, believe me, there is definitely a harm to truth. Truth no longer wins, it only gets humiliated. How many men, with their hands on their hearts, can say that they do not look at the chest of a girl walking behind or in front of her? Or do you consider sexual exploitation and rape as crimes like murder?

With full confidence, I will say that everyone will say the same, many people will say the same but I am not like that. But after this the answer comes- that then why do these girls need makeup? What is the need for sports, what is the need for going out of the house? This girl is so amazing, look at her clothes! Then he starts telling the size of her clothes by placing his hands on her thighs and stomach. Bad!

Let us assume for a moment that everything from rape to sexual exploitation happens because of clothes? If this is so, then what about those who had raped a 26-year-old girl from Talheta village in Modinagar after digging her out of the grave, whether the size of the shroud was also smaller than what their thoughts were?

For centuries, women were surrounded by duties only and were told to remain shy about their rights. The word ‘tolerate’ was always associated with them. They did not consider the harassment inflicted upon them as a crime. Well, education made women a little aware and stories of atrocities at home reached courts and police stations. But justice was not imparted. The woman again became helpless in front of the poor system. The provisions of the Act remained limited to papers only. Be it a wife, mother, daughter, or any witness, even today, victims of exploitation are getting insulted instead of justice. Power and law do not matter. Sakshi had left her shoes there after the press conference, perhaps she has not just left them but rather has thrown them on the poor justice system.

Rajeev choudhary

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