July 27, 2024

The Scoop India

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Subramanian Swamy is the angry saint of Indian politics?

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On 25 June 1975, the people of the country heard an announcement on the radio and the news spread across the country that now emergency has been declared all over India. The round of arrests of opposition leaders in the country had started from the night of 25 June. Big leaders like Jayaprakash Narayan, LK Advani, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, George Fernandes etc. were put in jail. But during this time there was a leader in the country whom the Indira government could not arrest. That leader was openly criticizing Indira Gandhi and opposing the Left. When that leader reached Gujarat before going to America during the Emergency, the pracharak who was sent by the RSS to pick him up at that time was Narendra Modi and that leader’s name was Subramanian Swamy.

In fact, on June 25, 1975, after returning from the historic meeting of JP at Ramlila Maidan, he was in deep sleep when suddenly his phone rang at four in the morning! At the other end was a sub-inspector of Greater Kailash Police Station. He said, can I come to see you? Swami made him come yes! But he shook his head and went to the house of his friend Suman Anand living in Gol Market at 4.30 am and the police could not arrest him here.

Everything in his house was confiscated! The car, the furniture were all taken away by the police! He wanted to lock the house too, but the house was in his wife’s name! His friends and relatives stopped visiting him! Whoever came to meet him, his house would turn red and those with whom these people would go to meet, the policemen would follow them too! But the Indira government could not arrest him even after wanting to do his signature and disappear when he came to Parliament.

This Subramanian Swamy was once described by Anurag Shukla as the Durvasa Rishi of politics. Because I don’t know what to get angry about. Now after the announcement of the Prime Minister to withdraw the three agricultural laws, Subramanian Swamy again became enraged and on the sudden decision taken by the government, Subramanian Swamy, while replying to a tweet, wrote that the decision to withdraw the law was given to the Modi cabinet in the last.

The matter did not stop there, after this a picture and video also started going viral on social media. In which Swamy was also seen along with Mamta Banerjee. Since then the market is hot due to political speculation. Swami and King Maker Swami started trending with Hastag on social media. Now one such question is arising whether Subramanian Swamy will be with Mamta Banerjee.

In fact, the political life of Subramanian Swamy has become four to five decades long. And in this long political life, Subramanian Swamy believed in giving direct verdict instead of making allegations. When RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das had just taken office, Swamy publicly declared him a corrupt person. He also said from an open forum that the new RBI governor is a ‘chela’ of P Chidambaram.

That is, whether Jayalalithaa should be shown the way to jail or 2G scam….coal scam or Rahul Gandhi’s college degree or Sonia’s life from childhood till here Subramanian Swamy has not gone anywhere. Subramanian Swamy once made a personal attack on Sonia Gandhi, saying that Sonia Gandhi describes herself as a graduate from Cambridge University, but all this is a lie. Sonia Gandhi was a waiter in a restaurant and has no Cambridge degree. After this Subramanian Swamy has claimed that Rahul Gandhi is a British citizen and said that he has UK citizenship. After his statement, the Home Ministry sent a notice to Rahul and sought a reply within 15 days. That is, Subramaniam Swamy is the bow of politics whose words and arrows keep moving at regular intervals.

Anurag Shukla says that BJP insiders believe that the late Arun Jaitley, one of the most powerful ministers of the Modi government, never wanted Subramanian Swamy to remain in the BJP. But many times in politics the strings are so entangled that it is difficult to guess which wire is connected to where.

It is a matter of year 2014 that two camps were formed in BJP, one was Advani’s camp which wanted to see Advani ji as prime minister, the other was Modi’s. were also supporting. People had even started saying that after Modi came to power, Subramanian Swamy would play his role as intellectual advisor to the Prime Minister because at that time Narendra Modi, who came from Gujarat, also needed such a man in the politics of Lutyens’ Zone. But for this, he expressed confidence in Arun Jaitley ji in the politics of Delhi. Experts say that Modi was also aware of Subramanian Swamy’s panic-stricken tendencies, that is why he did not give Swamy any important post in his government. Some experts also believe that the top leadership of the BJP did not even want to send him to the Rajya Sabha, but the pressure of the RSS paid off and he reached the Upper House.

The only reason for this was that it has been an old habit of Swami to tie knots in differences and rivalries. And in handling bitterness with someone, he uses all his abilities including his sharp intellect. It is quite a well-known story that one he had proved the claim of the calculations of the famous statistician PC Mahalanobis to be original, who worked with his father.

Swamy took his PhD degree from Harvard at the age of just 24. In 1969, he went to teach at the Delhi School of Economics at the invitation of Professor Amartya Sen. Swami, who returned from Harvard, was a supporter of marketist economic policies and started opposing the leftists associated with the power establishment. As a result, even after Sen’s wish, he could not become a professor in the Delhi School of Economics and started teaching at IIT Delhi.

But Subramanian Swamy remained here as well as his Durvasa Muni and started strongly criticizing the economic policies of the Indira Gandhi government. Swamy called the Five Year Plans a frivolous thing and became so famous with his statements that even Indira Gandhi came to know him and Indira Gandhi even called him ‘Santa Claus with impractical ideas’.

Political observers believe that Swami, a well-educated mathematician, economist and law-abiding mathematician, educated in America, became a favorite of the RSS because he was openly taking a front from the Gandhi family and teasing Indira Gandhi. As a reward for this, in 1974, the Jana Sangh sent him to the Rajya Sabha.

After joining the Jana Sangh, the thoughts of Swami who studied abroad also changed. Now he started expressing himself in support of Hindu Rashtra. Swamy, once a supporter of open market economy, invented an indigenous model of his own way and started criticizing those associated with economic administration.

The spirit of criticism was always attached to Swami’s mood and someone or the other always became a victim of his displeasure. When he could not become the Finance Minister in the Janata Party government formed after the Emergency, he blamed Atal Bihari Vajpayee for this and accused him by crossing the border. After becoming the Prime Minister in 1998, when Vajpayee did not make him the Finance Minister again, he, along with Sonia Gandhi and Jayalalithaa, toppled the central government. Later, Jayalalithaa was also not spared and Jayalalithaa was punished in the corruption case filed by Swamy.

Friendship and enmity change so fast in Swami’s political life that it is difficult to predict what his next step will be. For example, his annoyance with the Gandhi family was always well known. His allegations against Indira Gandhi, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi went beyond political boundaries. But political experts believe that his relationship with Rajiv Gandhi used to be fine.

Subramanian Swamy’s outspokenness sometimes does not even care about ideological or other camps. S Gurumurthy, a prominent advocate of the Swadeshi lobby, has been considered his friend and like-minded. When the dispute between the Narendra Modi government and the RBI was going on, the economic experts were believing Gurumurthy to be the brain behind it. But in this controversy, Subramanian Swamy openly spoke in support of the then RBI governor Urjit Patel and called him a respected academic economist. On the contrary, for S Gurumurthy, he even said that it was a mistake to make him the director of RBI. Meaning when you have to speak clearly, then the lord sees nothing of friendship and enmity.

Apart from this, when news came from Tamil Nadu that Superstar Rajinikanth could form his own party, then it was reported that Gurumurthy is behind this whole plan. But as soon as this news came to the fore, Swamy said that Rajinikanth is illiterate and the people of Tamil Nadu are very intelligent. He even said that Rajinikanth should form his own party and declare the candidate, then I will expose him. That is, the real target of this attack of Swami was on Gurumurthy itself.

However, political experts also believe that the controversy that has become a part of Swamy’s personality, whether or not it is unwanted, has done him a lot of harm in the path of politics as well as profit. But Swami is not one of those people who take care of his profit and loss.

Now the question is, why is Swami like this? His supporters attribute this to his tendency to always stand by the truth, in which his acumen and academic knowledge always accompanies him. His Twitter handle with more than 10 million followers can also give us some clues about this. Here Swamy has written in his introduction – ‘I give as good as I get.’ If we translate it in colloquial Hindi, then we can say – like ko tait. Perhaps therein lies the source of Swami’s everlasting dissatisfaction. He may call his opponents as Superankha Shakuni, but his opponents also do not stop calling him the Santa Claus of Durvasa and statements.

BY Rajeev Choudhary Author  Blogger Youtubers

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