September 8, 2024

The Scoop India

News You Need To Know

Did the infiltrators change the equation of the country?

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The soil in which the golden history of the color of sacrifice for the freedom of the country is hidden. Where the color of knowledge of the people and the people of where the people made their own identity in the world with the illumined aura of literature, sports, art and culture and war-freedom and knowledge-science, today that Bengal with the identity of mother, soil and manush is in its plight. But repenting. Here 70 percent of the majority are getting absorbed in the vortex of self-reflection and struggle and 30 percent of the minority are writing the countdown to the definition of humanity and citizenship.

Panchjanya has presented a report on this subject that history is witness, Bengal used to be Hindu majority before including Bangladesh and West Bengal. A large part of the Hindu-majority West Bengal now remaining in India, populated by infiltrators from neighboring Bangladesh, has become Mini Bangladesh, with Muslims making up the majority and Hindus with only 6 per cent left. The situation is that the Muslim population in West Bengal was 25 percent in 2001, which increased to 27 percent in 2011. At present, information is coming from the border areas of India-Bangladesh that Hindus are being driven away by extremists. This has changed the political and cultural landscape of most areas of West Bengal, Bihar and Assam bordering Bangladesh.

At the time of undivided India, the minority population in Bengal was about 30 percent and after partition, the minority population was reduced to a great extent when a large number of Muslims migrated to Bangladesh. But talking about the current environment, once again the Muslim community has registered its strong presence and has again reached 30 percent of its population. If we talk about statistics, then the way the Muslim population is developing in Bengal, it can have many consequences which are pointing towards some horror. In the present context, in the last 10 years, where the population of the Hindu community has increased by 7 percent, the Muslim population has increased by 8 percent.

p. Of the 38,000 villages in Bengal, 8000 villages are now in such a condition that not a single Hindu lives there, or rather, they have been driven away from there. In Bengal’s minority-dominated districts of Murshidabad, Malda, Uttar Dinajpur, etc., the percentage of Muslim population is 50 and above where Hindus have to face Muslim repressive policies. Of this, there are 47 lakh Muslims and 23 lakh Hindus in Murshidabad, 20 lakh Muslims and 19 lakh Hindus in Malda, and 15 lakh Muslims and 14 lakh Hindus in North Dinajpur. Tired of repressive activities, the migration phase continues here for the last several years. Finding themselves weak, the people of the Hindu community here are forced to migrate. They are putting their house and property in danger and making another place their home, which the people ruling over them are taking advantage of in many ways.

The issue of Rohingya has also made a lot of headlines in these areas. Earlier the people of the neighboring country took the help of brotherhood and harmony to set foot here, but now that is not the case. By forcibly entering Hindu areas with less population, these people are taking possession of their land and targeting important places. The beauty of the cultural and linguistic identity of Bengal is now being captured by someone else. Hindus are waiting for a messiah to take care of this. Here Hindus coming to the parts of Bengal bordering Bangladesh are being driven out. Their houses and temples are being occupied. But no one has any proper solution to heal this painful story.

Renowned American journalist Janet Levy has claimed in her book The Muslim Takeover of West Bengal that there will be another partition of India and that too by the sword. He has expressed apprehension that after Kashmir, there will be a civil war in West Bengal and a demand for a separate country will be made. There will be mass massacre of Hindus and demand for Mughalistan. He has also claimed that all this will happen with the consent of Mamata Banerjee. Janet Levy has said that for the first time in 2013, some radical clerics of Bengal started demanding a separate Mughalistan. In the riots in Bengal this year, houses and shops of hundreds of Hindus were looted and many temples were also demolished. In these riots, the police were ordered by the government not to do anything against the rioters.

When we come to the data that Muslims constitute 50 percent or more of the population in 46 assembly constituencies of the state, 40 to 50 percent of Muslim voters in 16 assembly constituencies and 30 to 40 in 33 constituencies, then Janet Levy’s fears begin to seem true. It is clear from these figures that the support of Muslims in exactly one-third of the seats can make any candidate win. Apart from this, in areas where Muslim population is 20 to 30 percent, they have the key to victory. There they play a major role in the game of government formation and spoiling by going in favor of their supporting candidate.

First Christian missionaries in West Bengal led to a large-scale infiltration of the Hindu population, after which the Muslim-Left nexus threatened the existence of Hindus in the state. These states have a long history of frequent attacks on Hindu organizations and religious institutions. In modern India, due to such social change and political selfishness, increasing tension among Hindus is a matter of concern.

Born in the soil of Bengal ascetic rulers Ballabh Sen, Professor Meghnad Saha, Vivekananda, Rabindra Nath Thakur, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Satyendra Nath Bose, Avanindra Nath Thakur, Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy, Syama Prasad Mukherjee, Sri Aurobindo, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Great men like Ramesh Chandra Mazumdar, Ashutosh Mukherjee influenced the whole world with their ideology and thinking. The definition of nationalism and the ideology of social unity that he spread on a global scale was accepted by the whole world. But today’s political polarization and irresponsible ideologies have shaken the definition of Sonar Bangla instead of strengthening it. The dreams that these great men had cherished for Bengal, those dreams are being divided on the basis of demographics. The river of Amrit Dhara, the cultural heritage of Bengal has started drying up.

By-Rajeev Choudhary

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