October 18, 2024

The Scoop India

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Will Rohingya Muslims be sent to die?

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More than 7 lakh Rohingya refugees settled in Cox’s Bazar, fleeing from Myanmar. Bangladesh’s government is now sending about 1 lakh of these refugees away from Cox’s Bazar to an island named Bhasan. Why are these Rohingya Muslims being sent to this island, which is also called the island of death?

When violence is arson or terror anywhere in the world, the entire Arab is visible, but revealing their unity, Taslima made a tweet on November 13, 2018, at 1:21 am, in which she wrote that so far I have heard that Muslim people are brothers among themselves! But now it seems that rich Muslims hate poor Muslims, Shia Muslims do not like Sunni Muslims, and Sunni Muslims hate Shia Muslims. Sunni Muslims hate Ahmadiyya Muslims. Saudi Muslims hate Yemen’s Muslims, Punjabi Muslims, Bengali Muslims, and all other Muslims.

During the Rohingya crisis, many intellectuals of India and almost the whole of Pakistan criticized the Government of India’s policy regarding Rohingya refugees. Pakistan projected it with the angle of Hindu-Muslim hate, but at the same time, Saudi Arabia sent the Rohingyas to jail and threw them back to Bangladesh. In fact, many Rohingya refugees fled to South Asian countries such as Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and Pakistan by making passports based on fake documents. A few years ago, many Rohingya entered Saudi Arabia on a pilgrim visa during Umrah.

Before understanding the whole matter, there are four questions that these 56 countries shall answer.

Question number one-Why are Muslim refugees not settling in Muslim countries?

Question number two, Have Muslims ever helped non-Muslims without adopting Islam?

Question number three, When they have never done any of this help, then why they expect help from non-Muslims? And why they keep crying about the lessons of humanity?

And the last question, whenever there is a conflict in Islamic nations- either due to war, terror, or any internal disturbance, why destitute Muslims of those areas take shelter in non-muslim majority areas?

People may call these questions- communal because every true thing seems communal to them. Anyways, there was huge chaos and controversy in India on the issue of Rohingya Muslims and giving them asylum in India.

Recently Bangladesh has built a new city to settle Rohingya Muslims, but still, no Rohingya is willing to pay in this new city, and also no Muslim country wants to absorb Rohingyas in their country as their another Muslim brother. The reason is that Bangladesh’s government has plans to send these Rohingya Muslims to a remote island where there are just a few common people dwelling. It is being said that the objective of the government is to settle almost one lakh people there. For this, a small town was built on the island having markets, and mosques.

This part surrounded by the sea named as (Bhasan Chaar) speech four is completely deserted. This island in the Bay of Bengal has been inhabited by constant floods and maritime disasters like cyclones; this island is about 60 kilometers from the coastal areas of Bangladesh. The most dangerous thing about this island is that the existence of this island is only 15 years old, which means that the island has come out of the sea only fifteen years ago. It is only 6 feet above sea level. A large part of this island, mostly made of mud and sand, gets submerged in water during the monsoon. However, many people, including Rohingya Muslims, believe that the camp where the Rohingya will be sent is like a prison. However, in 2018, Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also said that this is only a temporary arrangement.

That is, the entire Muslim Umma thought that by throwing them one -one lakh them on this place, they would solve the problem forever. But why did this problem come up? Actually, those four questions are to be referred for finding answers, whose questions shall come from the Muslim world. The fact is that the policy of the Muslim community on the Rohingya crisis failed completely because they planned to send then in the countries like India under the umbrella of the term- secularism. Some Rohingyas will penetrate in Thailand while others will move to Sri Lanka, but South Asia was cautious after taking lessons from Europe.

The world knows what the refugees have done in Europe today. Including France, Germany and the rest of the Europe, that whole chaos is occurred only due to offering asylum. With respect to crimes, Sweden has reached number two in the world in a number of rape cases.

In the police stations, the percentage of women among the complainants is high; most of them are coming to write reports of sexual crimes or rape, these rapes are happening even in broad daylight. Among the victims are 12-year-old girls. Girls have started avoiding music concerts that was one the identity of European civilization. In those events, these people commit crimes by forming gangs; almost 100 areas have become so sensitive areas in Sweden that Swedish people are afraid to go there. Swedish women working in these areas have given up their jobs. The artists playing violin or flute have feared punches that may fall on their back or stomach or head, because ‘music is against Islam. If a policeman or a person of administration shows strictness, then people including leftist-socialist-liberal-progressive leaders, intellectuals, and journalists, are ready to call them hate-racist. The same intellectuals who sit in India while crying for the Rohingya Muslims are silent on Bangladesh’s decision; why? Why the new Caliph of the Muslims is silent, and also Pakistan is silent? But I wonder if any non-Muslim countries would have done like that, how far the sound of their screaming would have gone?

The scoop india

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