October 18, 2024

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Why every nun should only be unmarried?

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Be there be any religion, caste or creed, if there is any flaw then it is always fatal to civil society. Actually, this was the February month of the year 2014 and the Supreme Court of India giving instructions to the Chief Secretary of Karnataka Government that all necessary steps should be taken to prevent the women from becoming ‘Devadasi’ forcibly in a temple in Devnagar district of the state.

Not only this, in the petition filed in the Supreme Court Devdasi tradition was said to be a subject of national shame. At that time, many intellectuals appeared on the ground and questioned the religion as if they are digging the paper with their pen and then put the miscreants in the Hindu religion in front of all.

Possibly, people living in northern India may not know about this devadasi system but to the people living in southern India, the devadasi concept is not new. In fact, in the 6th century, In South Indian temples, this tradition was started to marry the virgin girls to the Gods of the temple. After this, she had to dedicate her whole life to that God.

Although it was not a part of a Sanatan Vedic religion, neither did we find mention of this practice in the Vedas and or in Upanishads.

For this reason, in the Renaissance period of the 19th century, Hindus society itself questioned this tradition which was later brought to the category of crime by law. If this practice is still alive somewhere in the corners of the country then its main reason is the self-acceptance of women engaged in this work themselves.

Indeed, this was the result of the effect of the awakened consciousness of the Hindu society that in the name of religion or in the name of antiquity, we cannot carry forward these misleading practices.

But in another form, this practice continues to exist in Christian society so far. In Christian society, women also devote their whole lives in the name of religion and remain unmarried throughout their lives. Such women are called “nun”.

During the oath ceremony of the making of nun they have to wear a wedding dress at a formal ceremony, and they have to marry to- “Jesus Christ”. But against this practice, no social organization so far has raised the courage to file a petition, and no direction has been issued by the High Court.

Perhaps because the matter is connected to the Vatican and no one can dare to speak against the authoritarianism of Vatican bishops Church. While many nuns are annoyed with the system of churches, they are questioning why a married Christian woman can not become a nun?

Actually friends, speaking on her suffocation, the autobiography of a nun whose name is- Sister Jasmine, came to the market. The name of this book was “Amin- A Nun’s Autobiography”, the story of his own life experiences. This is a frightening experience. In real, reading this ‘so’ horrifying experience will make you feel furious with the priests. Fully devoted to his fictional husband, Jesus, when a seventeen-year-old sister Jasmine, who had entered the convents at the age of seventeen, and saw the evils of his church with open eyes, she would have to take the audacious decision of breaking out of the convent.

She came in front of the media and spoke openly about the flaws of the church, and presented the examples of the lust of the priests who are considered to be sacred to be dressed in white clothes. Then she wrote openly about the homosexual conduct of Nunes. This decision of her decision was not the result of sudden impulse but while remaining in this for a long time and kept bearing on this exploitation, which she later brought on paper.

Not only Jasmine, who was not only exposed to the untimely bitter truth behind these strong steel curtains of the religious and fairness of the Christian society but also- Mary Chandy, a former Kerala nun, by autobiography, described the sexual autonomy of priests in Catholic churches and exposed the truth. In his autobiography ‘Nunma Niranjewe Swasti’, Sister Mary Chandy wrote that due to her opposition to a rape attempt by clergy, she had to leave the church 12 years ago. In her autobiography, Sister Mary, who tried to highlight ‘darkness’ in the church and its educational centers, also wrote that the life within the church was full of lust, rather than spirituality

I eloped at 13 years of age to become ‘nun’ and in return, I got only- exploitation and loneliness. She further wrote, ‘I thought that both the priest and the nun have been engaged in the fulfillment of their physical needs by deviating from their resolve to serve humanity. Upset with these experiences, I left the church and the convent ”.

Once Jasmine and Mary Chandi were immersed in full faith in Jesus, accepting him as her husband on becoming nuns as lifelong unmarried, but she did not even dream that she would be exploited and will have to divorce her god one day.

These nuns remained the victim of homosexual exploitation for a long time. They were sexually exploited by the corrupt priests. After which these Nuns thought of whistleblowing to expose the inside story running in name of purity, and religion.

It is said that the struggle of faith is old in this institution. Jasmine’s struggle is similar. Even after the disclosure of one nun after the other, such mischievous practices are being still carried out in the name of purity.

Now the biggest question is- Why a nun cannot be married? When will these Christian organization, who always shouts at the world’s welfare and the well-being of the humanity would agree that a woman is also a human being and her marriage should be done only to the human beings rather than a statue or an idol. Everyone believes that religion is not a bad thing in its basic sense but the opposition starts there where one starts exploiting the other by doing the misinterpretation of religion. In the end, the question is that why the writers who wrote against the religious hypocrisy, the evils of religion, and the ostensibly are always silent on such matters?

BY- Rajeev Choudhary

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