September 8, 2024

The Scoop India

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Why foreigners are embracing the cow for the peace of mind?

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In 2017, the Go Seva Parivar, an NGO in Kolkata, started a competition with a name- Selfie with a cow. The competition was aimed to create awareness among people about the importance of cow.

Be it newspaper, magazine or any news-channel, we can read or hear a number of news related to cow every day. As per the ancient Vedic religion, Cow is always regarded as the holy animals due to a number of virtues and Hindus had been worshipping the mother cow for generations.  If seen, politics in our country continues to roar around the issue of cow every day- in their statements, in posters, in fatwas, in slogans, or in debates. Cow is very generous and docile creature animal which gives human more than she takes from them. We are a country that calls cow as mother; however, we have not done anything good to improve her situation so far. But her situation is not same everywhere. Specially in western countries, there is a trend of embracing the cow nowadays..

In 2017, the Go Seva Parivar, an NGO in Kolkata, started a competition with a name- Selfie with a cow. The competition was aimed to create awareness among people about the importance of cow. And, why she should be protected and revered. Just think why only the cow is called the mother when there are so many big and small animals in the world. Well, in that competition because of the craze for selfie on social media, thousands of people took part in this competition and posted their images clicked with the cow.

In today’s rapid moving life, everyone wants to seek happiness and peace of mind. A common man wants to get a feeling of belongingness. That is why the Netherlands has begun a tradition of taking care of itself and this new trend is getting popular over the world. In the local language they called it, Kau Nafalen which means to embrace cows. As per this tradition, a person when sits close to cow found a lot of peace of mind. This means when they hug the cow, they get relaxed.

The trend has increased so much that people visit farm houses to embrace cows and sit there with a cow for hours. People say that it gives them mental peace, relieves stress and makes them healthier Because of this, now this tradition is gradually becoming popular in many other countries of Europe after the Netherlands. Experts are also saying it as cow medicine.

Cow is a maternal people and a care taker of its people. She has senses like human and emotions are found in her. If any person joins her and sits with her, then he found himself in a bond with her. The person will never feel lonely while being with the cow. Even that, some of the psychiatrist claim that in order to make the children feel responsible, people must keep the cow in their house. This brings generosity and sense of humility in the nature of children.

You might have seen that when some foreign tourists come to India, they also visit the places to meet cow, loving her and even spending time with her. Perhaps they understand the importance of the cow more than Indian used to understand in the ancient times. The terms like Mother, Mata, Kamdhenu, Aditi etc. were prevalent in use to call the cow. Even feeding a cow is still considered as so auspicious that one has to feed a cow, even before eating breakfast oneself. The presence of cow was essential in each traditional fire ceremonies and you may found the pictures of most of The Hindu deities are often depicted on her body.  Also, Go-Daan (donating a cow) was also considered as the most auspicious during a marriage.

Well, speaking further regarding this cow naphalene therapy, it is found that it heals a lot. When people sit with the cow and hug her; and the cow turns and licks the person then she shows the deep trust between the person and her. The warm temperature, slow heart beats and large size of the cow’s body give a feeling of peace and comfort to the person sitting near her. It is such a soothing and divine experience that it heals the person from his the physical, emotional and spiritual health crisis. Not only this, cows will also feel pleasant. That is the reason for which the doctors are recommending sitting with a cow. It releases oxytocin hormone in human body which in turns makes us feel good. These hormones are released during good social interaction. Oxytocin is believed to bring satisfaction, reduce stress and feeling good.

Considering its relevance, this culture of spending time with the cow started in the rural areas of the Netherlands about a decade ago. This can also be seen as a part of a larger campaign under which people are being brought closer to nature and indigenous life. Now farms in Rotterdam, Switzerland and even America people are taking experience of embracing cows. Usually the patients in European countries who are suffering from the mental and emotional health crisis like- depression, loneliness or low blood pressure are told to spend time with the cows for rapid healing. Now, you shouldn’t get surprised if you also get such recommendation ever in future.

Meanwhile, Indian must give a thought to all this that if cow can be revered, respected and embraced in Europe and America, why we have left her roaming on the streets without food, water and even shelter. Such a divine bounty on earth infuses positivity in us and heals us. We shall remember that since the centuries-old tradition in India, there used to be essentially a cow in every house.

There was a time when dogs were on the streets and cow were under the shelters in home, but now we can see the reverse side when dogs live in houses and roam in expensive vehicles while the sacred cow is exploring its existence on the streets. The politics of the country had once borrowed the horns from the cow at the time of election, and then it did not return those horns. Since then, the cow has become unarmed and politics has sharped its horns. Thankfully, the Britishers who once promoted cow slaughter in India are now embracing her, perhaps asking her to forgive them.  But then why we are running away from our divine and auspicious maternal figure?  Well, You and I must give it a thought…..

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