September 8, 2024

The Scoop India

News You Need To Know

Russia assures support to India amid violent face-off with China at Galwan Valley: Sources

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New Delhi: Moscow has assured its support to New Delhi in its efforts to resolve issues with China amidst the ongoing stand-off in Ladakh, according to top sources.
The Russian Deputy Chief of Mission Roman Babushkin said, “We hope that the tensions will soon de-escalate, and the sides will further maintain a constructive dialogue also keeping in mind the potential of cooperation. Russia believes it is vital for the region.”
Earlier on Wednesday, Russian Foriegn Minister Sergey Lavrov had said, “It has already been announced that the military representatives of India and China have made contact, they are discussing the situation, discussing measures to de-escalate it. We welcome this”.
India and Russia enjoy close ties and have frequently engaged at the highest level, both Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russian President Vladimir Putin have spoken to each other several times this year including on COVID crisis.
Later next week, the \ foreign ministers of the three countries are scheduled for the RIC (Russia, India, China) meet. The Russian envoy called the existence of the grouping an “undisputable reality” which is “firmly fixed on the world map”.
Commenting on the current stage of the trilateral cooperation amid the border skirmish, he said, “There are no indications that it might be frozen”.
Also, Russia is set to host SCO and BRICS summits later this year.
Meanwhile, Pakistani Foreign Minister SM Qureshi also spoke to his Russian counterpart and the Russian foreign ministry readout of the talks reveals that Russia does not support Pakistab’s priorities as had been claimed by Islamabad.

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