October 18, 2024

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Yoga is not done, it is lived.

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Yoga is not done, it is lived. Yoga is a very popular word in present times, but has gone far from its meaning. Some words are used from time to time as associate words of yoga – yogasana, yoga-kriya, yoga-mudra etc. Similarly, some different activities, which can lead to the accomplishment of the purpose, have also been named as Yoga – Raja Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Hatha Yoga etc. The attainment of God from them has been told in different texts. Basically the word yoga means to join. Addition also happens in mathematics, so the addition of numbers is called sum. It is meaningless to give that name to a work which does not serve the purpose. There is definitely a sense of connection with someone in yoga.

We understand that yoga is a thing to do in the morning and evening. Yoga can be done either in the form of asana or in the form of sadhana. Yogasanas in the form of asanas are done for health, but one cannot become healthy by doing yogasanas while doing anti-health activities throughout the day, because by doing yogasanas in the morning and evening, he has activated the body, but through food and rest. Energy is stored. If food and rest are not good, then the postures become useless. Through exercises, asanas, pranayama, etc., firmness and activity are provided to the system. Similarly, the purpose of yoga-sadhana is to meet, connect with or reach God. If yoga is the name of a way to reach the Supreme Lord, then the thing to consider is that the effort to attain that Supreme God should be done in the morning for an hour or two in the evening, if the work of getting away from Him is done throughout the day, then imagine How long will we be able to meet God? It was like running towards your destination in the morning and evening and running in the opposite direction throughout the day. Such a person cannot achieve his goal even after birth.

Similarly, the whole life morning and evening, one who keeps doing yoga can never reach the Supreme Lord, because he walks for a short time towards the aim, walks for a long time against the aim. Such a person may be far from the goal, but can never reach the goal. Yoga is the way to reach God, so this work cannot be of short duration. Just as a person sets out on a journey, his journey, despite doing all the work, continues to progress in the same direction. On the way he sleeps, eats, talks, but neither the direction of his journey changes, nor the journey is stopped and he reaches the destination late or early. That is why in Vedanta philosophy, how long should one do spiritual practice – in the answer to this question it has been said – Aa Prayanattatrapi Drishtam. Provision has been made to do sadhna till the goal is achieved, so yoga is to be done only in the morning and evening.

Action is not. It is a journey of life, the purpose of which is to reach or attain God. This journey cannot be finished or completed until the goal is achieved.

How is this journey of life possible? There are many scriptures telling this, but Yogdarshan is its most systematic, useful and simple scripture. If all this yoga philosophy is summarized, then it can be grouped into three sutras, the rest of the scriptures are the lectures of these sutras. How the first yoga takes place, it is said in the sutra – Yogaschittavrutti nirodha. Yoga is the name of cessation and inhibition of the tendencies of the mind. When the vrittis of the mind, that is, their external business, stop, then the purpose is achieved. It is told in the next sutra, what is the purpose, which is accomplished by stopping the external business of the mind? So Patanjali sage says – tada drashtu: swarupe vasthanam. The work of the mind is to connect the soul with the world, when it is stopped from the work of connecting it with the world, it leaves the outside business and engages in the inner business. The business within him is called self-realization, when he is situated in himself, then he also has an easy realization of the divine in himself, so yoga is the name of realizing the divine.

When our mind is not in our soul, it is definitely in the opposite direction. Because the mind does not remain inactive even for a moment, therefore, while a man is asleep, awake, he is engaged in work, then if he is not an introvert, then he will definitely be an extrovert. To tell the same, Patanjali Muni has made a sutra – Vrittisarupayamitratra, in the event of not stopping the tendencies of the mind, the mind remains engaged in worldly business. It is natural and necessary. Yoga is a journey, which is done to achieve the purpose of life. There can be another method to understand this yoga. In short, what is yoga – like if you want to explain yoga in one word, then how to understand it? If you want to know yoga in one word, then that word is Ishwar Pranidhan. The word Pranidhan means surrender. When a Sadhak becomes Siddha, attains the goal of his life, then he surrenders himself to God. When surrender comes in a person, then he has no desire to keep anything separate from himself, everything seems to him only to whom he is devoted. Explaining this, Vyasa ji says – In the actions of such a seeker- Ishwararpanam tatfalsannyaso, as he either works by asking the master, obeys his orders and if he himself does any work, he would have offered it to the master. That is, does not desire the fruits of the work done. There is a master-servant relationship between God and Him, just as the best servant always wants to please the master, is always ready to serve the master, in the same way the worshiper is ready to please his worshiper. waits for master’s order He is happy by obeying, considers himself blessed, considers himself to be an act. To understand the importance of Ishwar Pranidhana, it is good to meditate on the sutras of Yoga Darshan. Considering the sutras, it is known that the most important word in the parts of yoga is Ishwarpranidhana.

In Yoga Darshana, the first main remedy is mentioned in many ways for the attainment of samadhi, Ishwarpranidhan. Patanjali has written the sutra – Samadhisiddhirishvara – Pranidhanat – Ishvarapranidhana leads to samadhi. Vyasa says- The Supreme Lord, being pleased with God’s blessing, immediately adopts him. While explaining yoga in some detail, in the second leg of Yog Darshan, which is called Sadhana Pad, in it Kriya Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga have been explained. Ishwarpranidhan is mentioned in both these places. The first sutra of Kriya Yoga is – Tapa: Swadhyayeshwar Pranidhanani Kriya Yoga:. Tapas, self-study and isvarapranidhana are the three parts of Kriya Yoga. Similarly, in Ashtanga Yoga, first of all Yama-Nyalayas have been discussed – Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. The first two of these eight organs are Yama and Niyama. The Yamas are Ahimsa, Satya, Asteya, Brahmacharya and Aparigraha. The rules are – defecation, contentment, austerity, self-study and isvarapranidhana. Thus the last of the rules is Ishwar Pranidhana. When yoga is described in detail, it is called Ashtanga Yoga. There is God-realization in this too. The parts of yoga have been described in some less detail – Tapa: Swadhyayeshwar Pranidhanani Kriya Yoga:. In this also there is Ishvarapranidhana and in Samadhi pada, when yoga is talked about in one word, it is also said – Samadhisiddhirishvara – Pranidhanat. That is, in one word, yoga is God Pranidhana. That is worship. To understand the meaning of worship, a beautiful illustration has come in the Upanishad. It is said there that as hungry children worship the mother, so the deity worships Agnihotra. Worship is not voluntary, when desire is done, when desire is not done. If you get time, you have done it, if you do not get time, then do not do it. Worship is an inner hunger, a need, which cannot be fulfilled without fulfilling it.

The more a child suffering from hunger feels the need of the mother, the more intense is the yearning for worship in the mind of a worshiper. Then worship becomes worthwhile. Man wants to be near whomever he loves, whomever he wants, in the same way the worshiper of God wants to be near to himself. Worship is always to desire the nearness of one’s beloved. There is a lot of doubt in the mind of the general public regarding worship. How to start worship, how to stop the tendencies of the mind, how the mind should be engaged in God, etc. Those who are practitioners of worship, their experiences can be useful for the new seeker. As far as the concentration of the mind is concerned, the mind is never empty, it has been created by nature, so it naturally runs towards worldly objects. We want to stop him Doesn’t take the name of stopping. In such a situation, the easiest way to control the mind is to think about your past actions. In this, every morning and evening, there is a law to think about your work throughout the day and all night, if whenever you get free time during the day, the mind is engaged in the thoughts of your past actions, then the mind can easily reflect on its actions. gets busy. While contemplating on today’s, yesterday’s, week’s or month’s tasks, the mind unintentionally gets under the control of the worshiper. The mind starts expecting that it should be engaged in some work, at the same time the mind can be engaged in the desired work. There are many simple rules for the success of worship and to speed up worship, among them it also comes to fix the place and time for worship. Fixed place and fixed time inspire the worshiper to worship. After sitting in the worship, how long the worshiper can sit without changing the posture with ease, it is important. In fact, the most helpful action in concentrating the senses in the posture is that for how long can the worshiper sit with his eyes closed? These simple things increase both interest and speed in worship.

Now we can understand that yoga is not just an exercise to be done in the morning and evening, but it is the name of enjoying bliss for twenty-four hours. When we wake up and do sandhya in the early morning at Brahmamuhurta, then we do yoga with our eyes closed. At the time of sunrise, sitting with everyone and doing Agnihotra with Ghee, Ingredients, Samidha, this is also worship. Describing the benefits of Agnihotra, the sage Dayanand says – The reciting of mantras in the Yagya also leads to the worship of God. We can say that performing Agnihotra with eyes open is worship. Similarly worship should be done in twenty-four hours of practice, then what will be the worship? Then worshiping, following the rules of worship, doing shop, farming, working as a laborer, doing a job, everything will be worship. At that time the rules and regulations would have been followed. Thus worshiping alone is evening, worshiping with family is agnihotra and doing all kinds of behavior with everyone throughout the day is public worship. That is yoga. Common people have a belief that salvation is a thing of God, it is attained by His grace and worship. Everyone believes and understands this thing, but think about the world that it is not the object of God or something opposite to it, that is why we consider it necessary to walk against God to get the things of the world. Whereas the truth is that the world also belongs to the same God whose salvation is there, then why would the same God deprive the world of normal happiness by practicing yoga, through the practice of which God liberates? Yoga is the way to go through the world to liberation, so the happiness of the world cannot be imagined without yoga. Thus the world is not an opponent of yoga, it is a laboratory of yoga. Yoga is the journey of life, in which the pace is sometimes fast, sometimes medium and sometimes slow. That is the difference between all the worship periods. Krishna ji has said this same feeling in the following verses of Gita – Naiva kinchit karomiti yukto manyet tattvavit. Pashyanshrunvansparshanjighrannashnangachhanswapanshwasan. Pralapanvisrujangrönnumishannimishannapi. Indriyaniindriyartheshu vartant iti dharyan.

Yoga is not done, it is lived.

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