October 18, 2024

The Scoop India

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Is divorce increasing like a contagious spread in married life?

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Divorce cases are increasing not only in the world but in a country like India. Looking at the cases of divorce of big celebrities of the world, it is known that the success of marriage has nothing to do with wealth. While cultural changes and lifestyles in the world have had an impact on marital life as well, the increasing divorce cases due to them also create a concern.

The name of Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft company, is not an unknown name for you. Nor is the unknown name of his wife Melinda. You will know the name of Amazon company. But you may not have heard about his surveyor Jeff Bezos. The chances of hearing about McKenzie are pretty slim. Mackenzie is the wife of Jeff Bezos. These two married couples are among the top five richest couples in the world. But apart from this, there is one other thing in common between these two couples. That is, these two couples got divorced in the past. And it is obvious that both these divorces were the most expensive divorces in the world so far.

even in india

Recently, Aishwarya, daughter of South Indian superstar Rajinikanth, decided to live forever after spending seventeen years with her actor husband Dhanush. Aamir Khan is living separately from his second wife Kiran Rao. What’s more, Tina Dabi, who stood first in the IAS exam, married Athar, who came second in the same exam of the same year. The bond of marriage could keep both of them tied for only two and a half years.


after being a celebrity

All the names of the country and the world that I have counted are the names of successful people. These are celebrities. They have immense wealth. Any girl would think a thousand times before refusing to marry these people. But what about after marriage? The same, which happens to almost most average couples. Conflict, tension, tu-tu main-main, some of which turn into divorce. Neither money, nor glamor nor powerful position can stop this divorce. After all, life is life isn’t it.

India’s position

India can proudly pat its back for the fact that it currently has the lowest divorce rate in the world. In America and developed countries, where its percentage is up to thirty, in India it is only 1.3 percent. That is, 13 divorces in one thousand couples. But in this matter, now the lines of worry have started emerging on the forehead of this country. From where this rate was 0.5 percent just before global liberalization, it has increased to 1.3 in 2019.

A ‘reverse trend’ in divorce cases

This means that there has been a 26-fold increase in divorce cases in just 30 years. Social forecasters are expressing a definite possibility of this pace of infection to accelerate. A ‘reverse trend’ is being seen in divorce cases. If you are asked whether there are more divorces in ‘Love Marriage’, or in ‘Arranged Marriage’? So as per your general understanding your answer will be- in arranged marriage, because it is not necessary that boys and girls like each other there, their views match.

Answer of Bombay High Court

But the Bombay High Court, which hears appeals on divorce cases, has refuted your answer. Some time ago he told that he has more cases of love marriage. While the percentage of divorce in arranged marriage is around 0.8, the percentage of love marriage is from 4 to 5. And now as love marriage is becoming the main stream of marriage in India, especially in cities, then some of the happy and sad future of married life can be predicted.

love marriage is arranged

Sociologists have also considered ‘love marriage’ as the main reason for this increasing situation of divorce. Regarding the mutual relations of two families, he says that the more complex the process of forming the relationship, that is, the more crooked paths it passes through to reach the destination of the marriage relationship; He has to go through the same crooked paths to return (to break). Since arranged marriage involves the family, relatives and even the entire community (society) of both the parties, the pressure of all these helps in saving this married life from breakdown.

what will change trend

But will India return to arranged marriages again? In such a society, which has accepted ‘live in relation’, and which has also got legal recognition, imagining like this would be nothing more than to misunderstand oneself.

At the same time, due to the integration of the whole world with each other, new values ​​of life are being established. A new society is taking shape in the world. People do not like to get married. The trend of marriage in old age is increasing. The number of single parenting is increasing. The same-sex marriage that Holland legalized in 2000 has now been done by about 40 countries. In India too, this kind of demand keeps on rising from time to time. These trends are indicating towards a new marital arrangement. Therefore, in the future, divorce may not remain a cause for concern.

The Scoop India

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