September 17, 2024

The Scoop India

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What Muslim girls need hijab or book first?

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How important is the practice of religion to live, it depends on the conscience of a human being. But what if the contractor of religion hijacks his conscience? That is, on one side there is education on the other side and religion is on the other hand and taking away the book by putting religion in the hands of young children? Similar is going on for the last one month in the southern state of India, Karnataka. Now you see the views of the mentalities, you will know whether the fight is in favor of women’s freedom or against it? Because for the last one month there has been a controversy over the wearing of hijab by Muslim girl students in Karnataka schools. This matter is also being discussed a lot on social media. That means everyone has their own opinion. Have your side. Some are referring to it as religious freedom, while some are in favor of keeping religious identities separate from the educational institution. Overall, the debate on the hijab has revived.


There is also the latest debate that if the Hindu religion veil is a social evil and is a practice carried since medieval times, Hindu women should be free from it, then it is included in Islam like Hijab, Khimar, Abaya, Chadar, Shayla and Al-Amira. These are also different forms of curtains. According to different regions, Muslim women are being wrapped in them. Why isn’t this discussed? There are many such questions on social media such as the talk of running a scheme to end the veil system by the Rajasthan government is also coming to the fore, in such a situation some people are also asking that what is your plan against the burqa?

If seen, then the question is justified in everyone’s own way. It is only for the politicians of the country, the governments, the ministers of the provinces and religious organizations to think about them. But it seems that now instead of the freedom of the mask, it rests only on the vote. If no party wants to speak openly on this, that is, it is saving the vote bank, then Maulana Hijab is saving the niqab by referring to the Islamic book Quran.

If Bahral comes on the screen, there are different views in all the communities about it. Some scholars argue that the purdah was created to protect women and prevent objectification. Islamic scholars also argue that the veil is meant to protect the dignity of a Muslim woman.

So let’s first talk on this logic, Pakistan is an Islamic country, if we look at the figures of Pakistan’s Police, Law and Justice Commission, Human Rights Commission, Women’s Foundation and provincial welfare agencies, since 2015, the total number of abuses against women. 22,037 cases were registered, out of which 4,060 cases are pending in courts, only 77 offenders have been convicted and only 18 per cent cases have reached the prosecution stage. That is, people who refer to the dignity of women from the burqa can understand that very few sexual crimes in religious localities come out or are allowed to come.

Second, even if their words are accepted, what is the reason why a large number of women are coming out against them in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Turkey? There was a big movement in Iran in the year 2018 and hundreds of women agitating against the burqa were also arrested.

Apart from this, a different section sees the curtain by connecting it to the harassment of women. They argue that the purdah limits women’s autonomous agency, their freedom of movement, their right over resources and political participation. Many neo-liberal scholars in Europe have used veils as a way to perpetuate gender discrimination and also said that veils undermine women. At the same time, it treats them as a property.

Now understand why this whole matter is booming once again in India. Actually Udupi of Karnataka. A government women’s inter college here. Inter college means the school where 11th-12th studies are done. Here the wearing of hijab of girls was banned from December 27, 2021. After this, eight girls who came wearing hijab were not allowed to enter the class. Now girls say that wearing hijab is part of their religious freedom and they cannot be pressured not to wear it. At the same time, the school administration is adamant on not allowing girls to enter with hijab. Now in this case the girls have filed a petition in the Karnataka High Court.

But before that, understand a little more, the girls called it their religious freedom, on the other hand the principal of this inter college, Rudra Gowda, now he says that girls can wear hijab in the campus, but not in the classrooms, we have just made uniformity. To keep the girl students from wearing the hijab.

It happened that the matter of girl students and school management should now be talked about by politicians as well. Because if there is no politics on any issue in our country then this is also not possible. So the local MLA here is Raghupati Bhatt, he is not only the MLA but also the chairman of the college development committee. They say that girls who are protesting for hijab sitting outside the college can leave the college. They should enroll in a college where wearing a hijab with a uniform is allowed. Our rules are clear that they will not be allowed to sit in class wearing a hijab.

Along with this, Hindu organizations are sending students wearing saffron scarves in protest against the girl students protesting in some colleges of Karnataka. Whereas Karnataka Home Minister Arga Gyanendra said in this matter, neither can come to schools wearing hijab nor wearing saffron gamchha. That is, schools will remain schools, they will not become religious and religious laboratories.

So now the group of girl students has reached the shelter of Karnataka High Court, where the matter is going to be heard tomorrow, in the petition, interim permission has been sought for attending class wearing hijab. It has also been said in the petition that wearing hijab is a fundamental right of the girl students. Which is protected by Articles 14 and 25 of the Constitution. That is, Article 14 talks about the right to equality and Article 25 ensures freedom of religion.

That is, understand it in such a way that by taking the help of the Constitution, religion is being saved by making an excuse of secularism. In such a situation, the question is that if there is a dress code of the school, then it should be applicable and should be above everyone? Yes, if there is no dress code, then whoever comes to mind should be allowed to wear it? But don’t teach your daughter to dance according to Shariat, don’t teach her to give advice, don’t teach her music, don’t teach her to sing, teach her only to read Quran, decorate her not with modern education but with hijab because that is her punishment. Whoever took birth in me, whatever will happen, say the whole matter, tomorrow the matter is to be decided in the Karnataka High Court, let’s see whether the constitution will work or the Shariat?


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