September 21, 2024

The Scoop India

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How much belief and how much superstition is there in ghosts?

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In the city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, Pischimochan is a locality where it is claimed that every disease of the world is treated and every problem is solved. The only condition is that for this you have to believe that you are possessed by a ghost or a spirit and you really want to get rid of them. The second condition is that you are ready to get any kind of treatment from the priests of Pischimochan. The third and final condition to get rid of ghosts is that you should have the strength to bear abuse and beatings in the name of treatment.

With the arrival of Pitru Paksha, this unique market of ghosts has been set up in Pischimochan locality in Varanasi. Bargaining has started in the name of making the ghosts sit. A large group of people who extort money in the name of getting rid of ghosts is roaming around the city. Here bargaining takes place for exorcising the ghost, that is, which priest will charge how much for exorcising the ghost. Lakhs of people trapped in the clutches of brokers and superstitions come here every year to get rid of ghosts and are duped. A huge amount is extorted in the name of making ghosts sit in Pischachmochan Kund.

“Ghost”, as per superstition, means the body of a person after death. Those who believe in superstition are told that ghosts or evil spirits keep troubling many people. All rituals for Shraddha and peace of soul are performed here. People of all ages come to Pischachmochan from almost all the cities of eastern Uttar Pradesh and western Bihar, especially from rural areas, among whom the number of women is in majority. Most of them are superstitious people who are stuck in old customs.

Now it has never been heard that someone in Adani’s family has been possessed by a ghost. Or Ambani’s daughter is possessed by a witch. Never heard that any member of Birla Group or Tata Group family has been possessed by a ghost. But on the other hand, there are a large number of poor or uneducated people who easily believe that they are haunted by ghosts, i.e. where there is illiteracy and poverty, there are ghosts.

Secondly, Bollywood movies often show ghosts or wandering spirits in old houses, forts, mansions. Even today, there are many places in India which are believed to be haunted by ghosts. Bhangarh in Alwar district of Rajasthan and Brijraj Bhawan in Kota have become infamous in the whole world because of their ‘ghosts’. Empty forts, ruins, old houses, even those are occupied by ghosts.

Now, let us assume that ghosts firstly target the poor and secondly, they do not like five star hotels, they like ruins, forts, houses. They cling to the lowest of the low class, daily wage labourers living in huts.

That is why today, thousands of dargahs, exorcists, sorcerers, mazaars and so many other people are engaged in the business of exorcising ghosts across India. And when such movies are released, people think that all this really happens, due to which their business increases to a great extent.

You must have heard a term “wandering soul”, that is, the soul leaves the body and enters the body of another living person. Then it makes him do whatever it wants. But when the person with two souls is taken to a dargah, then the soul runs away or the baba blows such a mantra that the wandering soul leaves the body, and then enters the body of some other poor person.

There are many types of souls in the city of superstition. Some wandering souls enter the body, some souls find old ruins, forts or mansions. Some start living in the cremation ground, some are locked in a bottle by the baba. Some souls run away after being kicked four times, some souls need clothes, fruits, sweets. Some souls drink blood.

That is, there is a big category of souls, which only the baba can control. Keep in mind, only the soul of a human wanders, that too of those who are said to have died an untimely death. But can those who slaughter and eat lakhs of chickens every day tell whether it was the chicken’s natural death or an untimely death? Lakhs of cows, buffaloes, goats and sheep are slaughtered, isn’t it an untimely death? Where does their soul go, why doesn’t the soul cling on? This is a question and the reason for the question is that today the poor people are being exploited and squeezed in the businesses that are being set up in the name of ghosts. By scaring people in the name of ghosts, their fraudulent business is growing at a great pace.

Whereas even in Sanatan culture, the soul is mentioned, which leaves the body, after that the person is considered dead. The soul has no color, form, smell, shape and neither is it visible. It is believed that the soul after a journey of a few days merges with the Almighty or gets another body again.

But from here onwards it is told that the souls who do not get a body, who leave before time, are forced to wander in the ghost world. Such souls are called ghosts. If we believe this statement, then is the life and death of a human not under the control of God? Can it be that humans die even against God’s will and there are not enough bodies? If this is so, then the world is being run not by God but by Babas, exorcists, Bhopas, Mazaars, Dargahs?

It is clear that these ghosts, spirits, jinns, demons are born only due to poverty, mental disorders and illiteracy. They do not come to the mind of any rich person, whereas they can roam around the country and abroad. They can enjoy themselves by staying in five star hotels. Why do they go and live in ruins, old, stinking forts, the reason for this is that ghosts are either cowards or fools… anything, but it is true that very big businesses are going on in the name of souls and ghosts, crores of rupees are being earned. Poor and sick people are being beaten with sticks and hot iron rods. Our Constitution gives everyone the right to follow their religion and customs, but spreading superstition in the name of it is absolutely not allowed. Therefore, opposing every kind of superstition and exposing it is not only our moral but also constitutional duty.

BY-Rajeev Choudhary

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