The answer can be catastrophic because the History we read so far is manipulative with distorted facts and information. It is primarily guided and controlled by a few minds that have even shrunken the space and reason for debate. Such fabricated History is nowhere lesser than a terror! The problem is called Historical negations or denials. When the legitimate and accepted History is taken away through academic reinterpretations, and its imaginary neuter has been imposed on the education system. Such as presenting any forged document as genuine, inventing implausible reasons to prove any point or misinterpreting the statistics, etc In the context of Indian History, these negations dominate. Likewise, until a few days, in the history textbook of Class 6 of the Madhya Shiksha Parishad of Bengal Secondary Education, the false and poisoning information has been taught for many years. In this book, Ramayana’s era has been neglected, but it is also written that Ram was not even the native of India rather; he was the headman of a nomadic clan.
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