October 18, 2024

The Scoop India

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Why does the Muslim of Kerala consider the war of Arab countries as his war?

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On October 27, a rally took place in Kerala, it was addressed virtually by a leader of Hamas, Khalid Mashal, slogans were raised for the annihilation of Israel, Allah Hu Akbar and then there was an explosion in a prayer meeting of Christians…a story of the religious mentality of Kerala because Be it going to Syria to fight for Baghdadi to become Caliph, or forming a fighting unit like PFI in India, be it the agenda of Love Jihad with non-Muslim girls or supporting Palestine, the Muslims of Kerala are found at the forefront. And this disease is not from today, it is very old, it is about a hundred years old, whatever be the fight between the Arabs, the Muslims of Kerala consider it as their fight…

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We will tell you one by one, what happened earlier in Kerala and what is happening now, towards which danger it is heading again. In fact, about 100 years ago, there was a struggle going on in Turkey to create a Caliphate of Islam. The British government had snatched away the throne of the Caliph of Islam in the Ottoman Empire i.e. Turkey. So the Muslims of India at that time wanted the Caliph to be selected in Turkey. Due to this, Indian Muslims were agitated but their anger which was supposed to be against the British government, burst out against the Hindus of Kerala. Within no time, the spark flared up so much that the massacre of thousands of Hindus started, that is, in August 1921, Moplah Muslims attacked the local Hindus in Malabar, Kerala. Hundreds of Hindus were brutally murdered in religious frenzy. They were given the option of converting to Islam or choosing death. Thousands were converted, non-Muslim women were kidnapped and raped, property was looted and destroyed. Many had to flee their homes, landlords were murdered, temples were attacked, cows were killed.

At that time Gandhiji was calling it Khilafat movement, he was searching for Hindu-Muslim unity in it. Today, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan is playing the role of Gandhi who is saying that Israel’s attack on Palestine should stop and if any wrong thing is found in the speech of the person i.e. Hamas leader Khaled Mashal, then appropriate action will be taken.

Then Ali Musaliar was the face of violence, today there is Solidarity Youth Movement which is associated with Jamaat-e-Islami, 100 years ago the Malabar incident was called a farmer revolt, today the Muslims of Kerala are saying that Hamas is not a terrorist organization, they are freedom fighters. .

That is, till now largely all the leaders in Kerala had been supporting Palestine, now Muslim organizations and religious groups are campaigning in support of Palestine, on the other hand, both the CPIM-led ruling coalition and the Congress-led opposition coalition. Has adopted a measured approach, this is special in the sense that Muslims in Kerala constitute about 26 and a half percent. Therefore, whether it is LDF or UDF, their vote has been important for the electoral performance of both.

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This is the reason why everyone suppresses their misdeeds, in July 2017, 5 youths from Kerala were killed while fighting for ISIS. Imagine, these people went from Kerala to Syria to make Baghdadi the Caliph. Guess what those people who can go to Syria for free to fight for the rule of Islam will do when they get a chance here. Even then we had said that this is not a news, just understand the mentality.

After this, again in March 2018, the name of a female terrorist was revealed in Kerala. Then the National Investigation Agency court in Kochi, Kerala had sentenced a woman named Yasmin Mohammed Zahid to 7 years imprisonment. Yasim Mohammed Zahid had brainwashed many people from Kerala and recruited them into Baghdadi’s army.

Yasmin Mohammed Zahid was arrested in 2016 and during interrogation she had told that she had included 22 people from Kerala, including 6 women and 3 children, in Baghdadi’s army. Till then, her master Abdul Rashid had killed 40 youth in Kerala. Was brainwashed. After this, many Hindu and Christian girls from Kerala were also brainwashed and sent to Afghanistan for Jihad.

Now once again the Muslim organizations and religious groups of Kerala are instigating the people who are campaigning in support of Palestine, that is, the news in the future may also be that so many Jihadis of Kerala were killed while fighting on behalf of Hamas. When this news comes, then you will cry. Let’s start with the fact that Abdul had gone to work, Furkan had a tea shop, Sajid used to bathe camels there. Woe to Israel and there will be more uproar.

It would be the same political parties with such objections who are now praising Hamas for their votes. CPM faction of the party does not consider Hamas as a terrorist but CPIM’s Politburo member MA Baby said that if Hamas will be called a ‘terrorist organization’ So the same should be said for Israel, however, his party’s Central Committee member KK Shailaja addressed Hamas as ‘terrorists’ on Facebook. Shailaja condemned the attack by Hamas,

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor also jumped into the controversy as the Indian Union Muslim League had organized a rally to show solidarity in favor of Palestinians. In it, Tharoor termed the Hamas attack as a ‘terrorist act’. On this, CPIM’s M Swaraj criticized Tharoor. He said that Tharoor turned the IUML rally into a ‘solidarity meeting with Israel’. Tharoor expressed surprise that he gave a 32-minute speech about the Israel-Hamas war, but a small part was picked up and he is being targeted on the basis of that.

While BJP’s stance in Kerala is in support of Israel, Muslim scholars’ organization South Kerala Jamiatul Ulama is taking out a procession in support of Palestine. However, the attitude towards Christians in Kerala has also changed a lot. This has happened due to the Gaza War, this change was visible even before this, when a Malayali health worker in Israel died due to a Hamas attack two years ago. At that time, Christian youth organizations in Kerala had run campaigns on social media and issues like ‘Love Jihad’, Halal food and converting Hagia Sophia into a mosque were also highlighted.

The result of this could be that when bomb blasts took place at the Jehovah’s Witness meeting in Kochi on October 29, no one waited for the facts. And speculations began that these bomb blasts might have some link to the Gaza War.

Anyway, the Arab war brings with it a wave of emotions, the Arab war also affects the thinking of the religious organizations of India, this time also the emotional and ideological effect of this war can be seen. Political forces and religious groups will try to take advantage of this in their areas. But the question will remain that why the Muslims of Kerala start considering the Arab war as their war….

Rajeev Choudhary

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