September 8, 2024

The Scoop India

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Is this the truth of the violence from Jahangir Puri to Sweden?

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The Constitution of India states that every person in India has the freedom to practice any religion and this includes the provision of worship, prayer, religious activities. But is it for Hindus also? Because within just 15 days, the way cases of violence have come to light in Karauli in Rajasthan, Khargone in Madhya Pradesh and Jahangirpuri in Delhi, from Hindu New Year to Ram Navami and Hanuman Jayanti, the whole system is questioned. are. After all, where are the scripts of similar incidents being written? State after state violence unfolds in a similar fashion, just the faces and names of the rioters change.

Let’s assume that the violence that took place in Karauli in Rajasthan and Khargone in Madhya Pradesh was just a coincidence. But what about what happened on Saturday in Jahangirpuri, the capital of the country, Delhi? Not only one or two, seven to eight such cases have come to the fore within 15 days. The way in which the investigation came to light in Karoli that there was already planning for nuisance here. Hundreds of tons of stones, sticks, bars, knives were recovered from the roofs. Can this be called a coincidence? Or why these things were kept on the roof. Is this a household item? As a result, one house, 35 shops were burnt. More than 40 people were injured. Four policemen were also injured. The miscreants broke more than 30 bikes.

After Karoli, curfew had to be imposed in the entire city after stone pelting and arson in the Ram Navami procession in Khargone city of Madhya Pradesh. The truth of the violence came out in the CCTV footage that how masked miscreants created ruckus in the city. When it was going on in Khargone, on the same day, petrol bombs were also thrown in Himmatnagar of Sabarkantha in Gujarat. The police caught four miscreants. Violent clashes also took place in the city of Khambhat. Stones, glass bottles and sticks were used as weapons. Incidents of violence were also reported in Imambara Chowk, Ashrafnagar town, Chhapariya.

After this, when all this happened in the capital of the country, Delhi. Violence erupted in Jahangirpuri as the procession being taken out on Hanuman Jayanti approached the mosque. Eyewitnesses said that the miscreants had already stored stones, bottles and injurious things. According to the police, there was an argument between the two sides near the mosque, after which stone pelting started from the mosque. Then violence broke out. The firing took place. If this is also considered a coincidence, then in Dada Jalalpur of Bhagwanpur area of ​​Roorkee also stone-pelting took place on the procession on Hanuman Jayanti on Saturday night. Many people were injured in this.

These are the incidents of India which came out one after the other in the last 15 days, but why did it happen in Sweden? Suddenly after Friday prayers in the Swedish city of rebro, masked worshipers set fire to police vehicles, shouting ‘Allahu Akbar’. Sweden’s prestigious daily newspaper Aftonbladet writes that 9 police personnel were also badly injured in this attack. Seeing the frenzy of the rioters, the police withdrew, giving the rioters the courage to carry out riots in other cities of the country including Norköping, Rinkeby, Stockholm and rebro. To which police spokesman Asa Willsund said, their mentality has become aggressive.

Now the Swedish police officers may be wrong. Or it can be said that the Koran was burnt there, due to which violence broke out. Because in India, arguments are being made to justify these violence that all happened because of provocation, why slogans were raised in front of mosques, why Jai Shri Ram was chanted. All this is the same cry that after the Babri structure collapsed, the serial blasts in Mumbai that took the lives of hundreds of innocent people and ruined the city, that the bomb blasts in Mumbai were done to avenge Babri.

But now such arguments have started demanding review. Because it is the month of Ramadan, they believe that during this time Allah forgives them for every mistake. Second, some people consider Ramadan as the month of war. Because Mohammed fought his first jihad, known as the Battle of Badr, in the year 624 in the month of Ramadan. Eight years later, in the month of Ramadan, Mecca was conquered. For this reason, the Nusra Front, the official organization of Al-Qaeda in Syria, called Ramadan a month of victory, and as Ramadan approached, IS spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani told his supporters around the world, get ready. Get ready to make it a month of calamity for infidels, perhaps it was this appeal that encouraged the lone terrorist, Omar Mateen, to murder 49 people at a club in Orlando, Florida.

Apart from this, Abdullah Azam, considered the father of modern jihad, led Arab foreign fighters in Afghanistan in the 1980s. Abdullah Azam is the only person who reached madrassas and mosques in the 1980s with the idea of ​​jihad. He also argued that Jihad is the best form of worship. Only through this path can a Muslim attain Paradise.

However, these interpretations of jihad and its relation to Ramadan may leave the common Muslim in India disappointed. For them, it is a month of restraint and introspection, but the crisis in Islam is such that the extremists’ interpretation, authenticity and violence are beyond comprehension. Fundamentalists also believe that in the month of Ramadan, if more prayers and donations are encouraged, then why not more bloodshed? If we look at it in this way, then it will be understood that why every year in the month of Ramzan, so many terrible incidents, violence, stone pelting, terrorist attacks, murders are bloodshed.

Every time the narrative has been coined about Ramadan, it is peace, peace and worship. But where is this in Islam? It is not ready to spare even its religious brothers in this month. Last year, the ruling party in Afghanistan appealed to the Taliban not to cause violence in Ramadan. For this a ceasefire can be made. But the Taliban flatly refused and at the same time 63 girl students were massacred by the Taliban.

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Apart from this, ISIS and al-Qaeda issue jihad appeals every time before Ramadan. Professors Sut Kabuku and Brad Bartholomew of American University’s Department of Justice, Law and Criminology researched the relationship between Ramadan and Jihad. The two analyzed terrorist incidents and killings during Ramadan between 1984 and 2016, focusing on Muslim-majority countries and jihadist organizations such as ISIS. According to the research, a review of data available on the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) found that during the 33 years, more people died during Ramadan in each season than on normal days. There is strong evidence in this regard that where the Muslim population is more, there was a higher increase in terrorist incidents during Ramzan. In Muslim countries, there was a 7 percent increase in terrorist incidents during Ramadan compared to normal days. Which shows that the effect of Ramadan on Jihad is very high in Muslim countries. Today this study is very important for India. Because it shows that there is a large number of infidels by Islamic definition, so the question becomes whether looting from the homes of infidels, burning their shops, pelting stones on the procession is all because jihad is the best form of worship. Is? Only through this path can a Muslim attain Paradise? Is this question being hidden from Sweden to India under the guise of provocation and Islamophobia.

By-Rajeev Choudhary

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